Eurasian Studies Balkans, Anatolia, Iran, Caucasus and Central Asia Studies Notebooks

Series | Eurasian Studies
Review | Armenia, Caucasus and Central Asia
Chapter | New Data on Source Characterization and Exploitation of Obsidian from the Chikiani Area (Georgia)

New Data on Source Characterization and Exploitation of Obsidian from the Chikiani Area (Georgia)


This paper presents the results obtained from two brief surveys carried out in 2012 and 2014 along the slopes of Mt. Chikiani in south Georgia. The scope of the surveys was to collect obsidian samples for characterization, to improve our knowledge of the raw material resources exploited in prehistoric times. The analysis of 69 samples retrieved from 20 different points have confirmed that Chikiani obsidian is to be subdivided into 3 main groups, characterised by variable percentages of barium and zirconium. The new results have important implications in the prehistory of the Caucasus and its related regions. They improve our knowledge on the exploitation of the obsidian resources, and their circulation in the territory.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Language: it

Keywords MtGeorgiaLA-ICP-MS analysisChikianiObsidian geochemistryLesser CaucasusObsidian outcrops

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