MDCCC 1800

Rivista | MDCCC 1800
Fascicolo | 3 | 2014
Articolo | La galleria di dipinti di Alessandro e Giulio Pompei pervenuta al Civico Museo di Verona

La galleria di dipinti di Alessandro e Giulio Pompei pervenuta al Civico Museo di Verona


The essay analyses in depth the collection of two members of the Pompei’s family, Giulio and Alessandro, preserved at the Municipality of Verona under the light of the creation of the museum in the nineteenth century. The discovery of some unpublished inventories gives the chance to learn something new on the creation of the collections. Moreover, it allows to recognize the paintings preserved at the villa of Illasi and at the building conceived by Michele Sanmicheli in Verona.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Pubblicato 03 Luglio 2014 | Lingua: it

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