Journal | Lagoonscapes
Monographic journal issue | 1 | 1 | 2021

Thinking the Planet with Venice

open access | peer reviewed
    edited by
  • Serenella Iovino - University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA - email orcid profile
  • Stefano Beggiora - Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Italia - email orcid profile

The first Italian journal expressly dedicated to the Environmental Humanities, Lagoonscapes, is animated by a ‘local’ awareness and a ‘planetary’ vision. Its title mirrors this spirit and the inescapable need to strengthen the junction between cultural perspectives and ecological complexity. Lagoonscapes is a sort of prism through which multiple perspectives converge, turning the Venetian lagoon into a symbolic laboratory, an observatory, a forge of ideas about the global panorama of the Environmental Humanities. Art, meteorology, climatic imagination, bodily immersions in the ecology of places, food, eco-ethnography, multimedia performance, extractive tourism, debunked clichés, and quagmires: this first issue is a sample of what we envision to be our mission, namely, to create bridges of elements, voices, and visions, facilitating encounters of theories and individual matters, and stimulating ‘trans-local’ negotiations along with planetary awareness.

Keywords Material ecocriticismPresenceMeteorologyBanksyEcologyCulinary knowledgeJoan JonasNineteenth centuryCruise shipsNatureWalkingCapitaloceneEnvironmental mediaSeafoodEnvironmentBlue humanitiesThe sensesGli ImpresariEnvironmental justiceMultispeciesNew HumanitiesJohann Wolfgang GoetheEnvironmental sensingPerformanceArtEleonora SovraniFoodwaysOcean SpaceSubmergenceArt-activismDeath in VeniceUNESCOEmbodimentThomas MannElena MazziExtractive tourismMarketsBody politicVeniceWeatherEnvironmental HumanitiesContemporary art

Permalink | Published Dec. 20, 2021 | Language en