Journal | Rassegna iberistica
Journal issue | 45 | 117 | 2022
Research Article | New Perspectives of Analysis and Research in Phraseology: The Contribution of Corpora and of the Computational Dimension

New Perspectives of Analysis and Research in Phraseology: The Contribution of Corpora and of the Computational Dimension

This note critically reviews a recently published volume, Sistemas fraseológicos en contraste. Enfoques computacionales y de corpus (2021) by Gloria Corpas Pastor, María Rosario Bautista Zambrana and Carlos Manuel Hidalgo-Ternero from the University of Malaga. It is a collection of essays written by specialists in the above-mentioned field, which highlights the increasing importance of the relation between Phraseology, Corpus Linguistics and Computational Linguistics. In fact, the interweaving of Phraseology with Corpus Linguistics, Natural Language Processing and Computational Linguistics has undoubtedly meant a real revulsive for the discipline.

Open access

Submitted: Feb. 7, 2022 | Published June 22, 2022 | Language: es

Keywords ResearchFraseologíaTecnologías lingüísticasPhraseologyEnfoques ComputacionalesInvestigaciónCorpus LinguisticsLinguistic technologiesLingüística de CorpusComputational approaches

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