Journal | Rassegna iberistica
Journal issue | 44 | 115 | 2021
Research Article | Federico García Lorca’s Theatre in Italy

Federico García Lorca’s Theatre in Italy

A New Edition of La casa de Bernarda Alba

Taking as a departing point the great tradition of Lorca studies and the vast number of versions of his poetry and theatre in Italy, this article analyses the most recent bilingual edition (prepared by Enrico Di Pastena, Pisa, ETS, 2019) of Lorca’s last tragedy, La casa de Bernarda Alba, written in 1936 and staged for the first time on March 8th, 1945 in Buenos Aires. This work is Lorca’s dramatic masterpiece and the most translated and staged among his plays, even in Italy, where Amedeo Recanati translated it for the first time in 1946. Di Pastena’s edition is considered as regards its effective translation, the study of its main topics and the accurate description of a good number of its European performances (particularly in Spain and Italy) from the forties onwards.

Open access

Submitted: Feb. 9, 2021 | Published June 29, 2021 | Language: it

Keywords ItalyLa casa de Bernarda AlbaFederico García LorcaMessa in scenaStagingTragedia| Federico García LorcaItaliaBilingual editionEdizione bilingueTragedy

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