Journal |
Rassegna iberistica
Journal issue | 40 | 108 | 2017
Research Article | The Impossible Happiness of a Fool
The essay analyses the novel Historia de un idiota contada por él mismo o el contenido de la felicidad (1986) by Félix de Azúa. It defines the narrative structure of the text as well as it reveals its philosophical basis, mostly its close relationship with Hegel’s Phänomenologie des Geistes (Phenomenology of Spirit), which allows to shift from an autobiographical interpretation (as suggested by the title) to a social one, in a wider perspective. Using the magnifying glass of the rich intertextuality of Azúa’s novel, the article points out a further reading concerning its postmodern framework: everything in the text is deconstructed, not only the different spheres of human life, but also the main character’s subjectivity and the idea itself of the hardly searched happiness.
Submitted: Feb. 13, 2017 | Accepted: March 23, 2017 | Published Dec. 13, 2017 | Language: it
Keywords Félix de Azúa • Postmodernism • Deconstruction • Happiness • Intertextuality
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