Journal |
Journal issue | Num. 41 (n.s.) – Dicembre 2023 – Fasc. 2
Research Article | Μάντις πολύτροπος: i ruoli di Anfiarao nell’Ipsipile di Euripide
In Euripides’ fragmentary Hypsipyle (frag. 752‑69 K.) the seer Amphiaraus plays many and crucial roles: he first unwittingly causes Hypsipyle’s troubles, then becomes her saviour and prevents her execution; he also acts as a messenger of Opheltes’ death; finally, he is responsible for the recognition between Hypsipyle and her two sons. In Greek tragedy there is not another character who plays so many and so important roles in the same drama: Hypsipyle’s Amphiaraus is absolutely one of a kind, a product of Euripides’ late and experimental period of activity as a dramatist. This paper aims to analyse each of the roles played by the seer in this tragedy to evaluate the uniqueness and complexity of his dramaturgical function.
Submitted: Sept. 16, 2023 | Accepted: Oct. 30, 2023 | Published Dec. 18, 2023 | Language: it
Keywords Hypsipyle • Fragments • Roles • Amphiaraus • Euripides
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