Journal | EL.LE
Journal issue | 4 | 2 | 2015
Research Article | The Centre for Research in Educational Linguistics - CREL
The Research Centre on Language Teaching is a part of the Department of Linguistic, Cultural and Comparative Studies of the University of Venice. It has been operating under this label since 2013, but it began carrying out research on language education, under different labels, in 1974. It is divided into ‘Laboratories’ and ‘Projects’, each dealing with the teaching of foreign languages, of Italian as a foreign language, of intercomprehension among speakers of languages belonging to the same language groups, of intercultural and didactic communication, of language education to students with dyslexia. These labs can be accessed through separate URLs or through the centre’s website:
Published July 1, 2015 | Language: it
Keywords Intercultural communication • Italian as a foreign language • Romance intercomprehension • CLIL • Music in Language Teaching • Language teaching research
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