Journal | Axon
Journal issue | 6 | 2 | 2022

6 | 2 | 2022

open access | peer reviewed

Keywords Ptolemy VIII Economy Decree Epigram Prayers for justice Attica Memnon Thymondas Alexander Kerameikos Halai Aixonides Incense (λίβανος) Neaniskoi Theft Saturo (Santuario della Sorgente) Cleopatra II Peloponnesian War Funerary monument Commemoration of war dead Demes Greek mercenaries Consecration Honorific decree Curse Anonymous gods Basilìs Himation (ἱμάτιον) Cleopatra III Boethos Dionysia Omboi Euthyna Votive inscriptions Persia Locri Thebes Memory Women Administration Philanthropa Boeotia Ἀποδίδωμι Battle of Potidaea Golden crown Athens Honours Democracy Gymnasium Religion Damnatio memoriae Embezzlement Civil war

Permalink | Published Dec. 12, 2022 | Language en, it