Axon Iscrizioni storiche greche

Journal | Axon
Journal issue | 4 | 1 | 2020
Research Article | Votive Dedication from the Heraion of Argos

Votive Dedication from the Heraion of Argos

The stele was found in the sanctuary of Hera in Argos. It is characterised by a triangular pediment and, in the lower part, by a donative that had to fit into a rectangular depression, clearly visible in the stone. The content of the text consists of a list of four Ieromnemones, one for each tribe (which is carefully mentioned after each individual name), and of the specification of the cultic destination of the dedication, to Hera Argeia. The inscription has a primary historical importance, first of all because it is one of the oldest inscriptions from the sanctuary of Hera in Argos and, secondly, because it is one of the first texts to mention the fourth tribe of the Hyrnathioi.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Submitted: March 1, 2020 | Accepted: March 25, 2020 | Published June 22, 2020 | Language: it

Keywords IlleiIeromnemoniPanfiliTelamoneTribù doricheDimaniHeraionArgoSteleHeraIrnati

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