Journal |
Archivio d’Annunzio
Journal issue | 7 | 2020
Research Article | Pour la douce France: un progetto editoriale
Pour la douce France is the title of a painting by Romaine Brooks, an American artist who lived in France during World War I, who became a close friend of D’Annunzio at the times of La Capponcina. The newspaper Le Figaro published a picture of the painting in its May 5, 1915 issue together with several poetical texts of D’Annunzio. These materials were then included into an elegant folder, put on sale the same year in order to raise funding for the Red Cross. However, that volume remained a project: the publication was supposed to bring together his other texts and lectures on war to be subsequently edited and published by the librarian and bibliophile Édouard Champion. The project eventually produced only some drafts, which are now preserved in a private collection in Switzerland.
Submitted: March 6, 2020 | Accepted: June 8, 2020 | Published Oct. 22, 2020 | Language: it
Keywords France, Romaine Brooks, Édouard Champion, war text
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