Annali di Ca’ Foscari. Serie occidentale

Journal | Annali di Ca’ Foscari. Serie occidentale
Journal issue | 52 | 2018

52 | 2018

open access | peer reviewed

Keywords Corpus studyNovelPalermitanKaddourSubordinate clauseFables & ContesOthernessLiterature as mediumLivesIllusionary aestheticsThe Custom of the CountryVeridicalityIntertextualityComplement clauseAffective excitementEnérgeiaLittérature sabirLeft peripheryJules Barbey d’AurevillyThe Beautiful and DamnedItalian dialectsHagiographyThe New New WomanBodiesAutobiographyRelative clauseMood alternationSlovenian literature in ItalyItalySubjunctiveSpecificitySabirEvaluativesMetaphorSyntax19th centuryIndicativeEffect of the realBordersOld High GermanFocalisationThe Song of the LarkFables & ContesAdverbial clauseBeat GenerationGlocalSensitivityClassical and romanticPoetryTranslocal studyKaddour ben NitramEducationJorge de LimaLingua francaSpeakerFocus movementVerbal morphosyntaxFocusIdentityModernism

Permalink | Published Sept. 28, 2018 | Language fr, de, pt, it, en

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