Diaspore Quaderni di ricerca

Series | Diaspore
Edited book | Mujeres migrantes y reescrituras autobiográficas
Chapter | Narrativas interseccionadas

Narrativas interseccionadas

Género, raza, clase y temporalidad(es) en los relatos migrantes de las mujeres colombianas y brasileiras en España y Portugal

This chapter addresses the temporal, racial, political and class inequalities that shape material, symbolic, and narrative borders in the migratory experiences of Colombian and Brazilian women in the Iberian countries. The research is based on multi-sited ethnography, carried out between 2017 and 2020 in Spain, Portugal and Brazil, consisting of in-depth interviews with forty migrant women. The results point to the conformation of different narratives based on the intersecting identities of women and on their temporalities at destination, and which are articulated around love and violence as its main discursive nodes.

Open access

Submitted: Aug. 10, 2023 | Accepted: Nov. 15, 2023 | Published June 10, 2024 | Language: es

Keywords Multi-sited ethnographyIntersectional narrativesColombian womenMigrant temporalitiesBrazilian women

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