Studi di archivistica, bibliografia, paleografia

Series | Studi di archivistica, bibliografia, paleografia
Volume | «Con licenza de’ Superiori»
Chapter | «Non avevi diritto di farmi l’ultima offesa»»

«Non avevi diritto di farmi l’ultima offesa»»

Storia di una dedica non gradita


This article presents some details concerning the first edition of Carlo Levi’s Christ stopped at Eboli (Einaudi, Rome 1945). In particular, it focuses on Levi’s dedication to Anna Maria Ichino, the woman that provided him a safe place to hide from the nazifascist persecution from late 1943 until the Liberation of Florence (August 1944), the very months that he wrote his book. This dedication was published in haste, with limited copies of the first edition, thereafter never to be reprinted. A little story from Florence just after WWII, between nazifascist persecution, Italian Resistance Movement, publishing, and love affairs.

Open access

Submitted: May 19, 2023 | Published Oct. 23, 2023 | Language: it

Keywords Giulio Einaudi editore, World War IIRare BooksFlorenceAntifascismCarlo LeviItalian Resistance MovementHistory of PublishingPublic LibrariesAnna Maria IchinoHistory of EmotionsHistory of BookPersecution of JewsChrist stopped at Eboli

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