Lexis Supplements Lexis Studies in Greek and Latin Literature | Lexis Ancient Philosophy |
Lexis Sources, Texts and Commentaries

Series | Lexis Supplements
Edited book | Il mito degli Atridi dal teatro antico all’epoca contemporanea
Chapter | «Studies from the Antique»: Kassandra e Klytemnestra secondo Emily Pfeiffer

«Studies from the Antique»: Kassandra e Klytemnestra secondo Emily Pfeiffer


This article investigates two pairs of sonnets that portray Cassandra and Clytemnestra written by Emily Pfeiffer, one of the many neglected Victorian women writers. It explores the intertextual relation with the classical models and the ways in which the new interpretation of the two heroines given by Pfeiffer undermines the traditional one.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Submitted: Oct. 13, 2022 | Accepted: Oct. 31, 2022 | Published July 7, 2023 | Language: it

Keywords Victorian AgeClytaemnestraCassandraRewriting of Classical MythFeminism

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