Quaderni di Venezia Arti

Series | Quaderni di Venezia Arti
Edited book | Behind the Image, Beyond the Image
Chapter | Appunti di iconoclastia contemporanea: la distruzione delle immagini per la creazione di nuovi immaginari

Appunti di iconoclastia contemporanea: la distruzione delle immagini per la creazione di nuovi immaginari


During protests in 2020, monuments of American Confederates, Christopher Columbus and other imperialist leaders were vandalised or destroyed by some Black Lives Matter demonstrators. These events were condemned by institutions and the media, who accused the demonstrators of censorship and historical denial. This paper seeks to explore the reasons for these attacks through the lens of Visual Culture Studies. It also introduces the work of contemporary artists who reflect on this topic, such as Allison Stewart, Banksy, Sam Durant, and Jillian McManemin.

Open access

Submitted: Oct. 15, 2021 | Published May 13, 2022 | Language: it

Keywords Visual Culture StudiesBanksyBlack Lives MatterSam DurantAllison StewartToppled Monuments ArchiveMonumentsIconoclasmContemporary art

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