Antiquity Studies

Series | Antiquity Studies
Edited book | ΦΑΙΔΙΜΟΣ ΕΚΤΩΡ
Chapter | Rewriting Homer: Dictys, Septimius and the (Re-)shaping of the Trojan War Material

Rewriting Homer: Dictys, Septimius and the (Re-)shaping of the Trojan War Material


The present paper deals with variation in and (re-)use of ancient sources, chiefly epics, in the fictional chronicle of the Trojan War composed by ‘Dictys of Crete’ and its Latin adaptation, the Ephemeris belli Troiani, by a certain L. Septimius, both dating to the Roman Empire. I discuss how the authors of these texts used inconsistencies in the literary tradition and their own invention to characterise the heroes of the Trojan War in ways that ‘correct’ Homer and allow insertion of adventure and ‘romance’.

Open access

Submitted: May 17, 2021 | Accepted: June 23, 2021 | Published Dec. 16, 2021 | Language: en

Keywords RomanceSecond SophisticDictys of CreteDares the PhrygianHomerTrojan War

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