Series |
Antiquity Studies
Edited book | Stolen Heritage
Chapter | The Journal of Cultural Heritage Crime: An Editorial Project
Until 2018, Italy lacked a magazine specifically dedicated to crimes against Cultural Heritage: the Journal of Cultural Heritage Crime (JCHC) has proposed to fill this gap. The Journal combines a content-oriented web platform and a social media strategy (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn). The project primarily aims to spread accurate information and raise public awareness, thus contributing to tackling crimes against Cultural Heritage. It actively promotes cultural events (as a sponsor, patron, organiser or media partner) and fosters network-building with professionals and institutions (such as INTERPOL and the Carabinieri). Each week, the JCHC website features articles, flash news, books reviews, a press review (national and international), and a cultural events calendar; on the other hand, a customised communication strategy has been developed for each social media account. The engagement data and the different kinds of interaction show that the project can indeed be an effective tool in countering crimes against Cultural Heritage.
Submitted: Jan. 18, 2021 | Published March 31, 2021 | Language: en
Keywords Social media • Art-crime • Online journalism • Cross-media • Information
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