Studi e ricerche

Series | Studi e ricerche
Edited book | Studi di linguistica slava
Chapter | Una valutazione del contributo di Tanzlingher alla lessicografia croata

Una valutazione del contributo di Tanzlingher alla lessicografia croata


The present study explores the relevance of Tanzlingher’s handwritten Italian-Croatian-Latin dictionary for Croatian lexicography. On the basis of the section for the letter Z, the three versions of the work (the Zadar, Zagreb and Padua manuscripts) are examined according to the following criteria: 1) how Tanzlingher’s lexicon compares to Croatian dictionaries that were contemporary to him; 2) how Tanzlingher’s lexicon compares to the present state of Croatian lexicography; 3) the status of lexemes whose only known source is Tanzlingher.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Submitted: April 16, 2019 | Accepted: Sept. 30, 2019 | Published Dec. 18, 2019 | Language: it

Keywords CroatianLexicographyManuscriptsDerivation17th century

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