Series |
Antiquity Studies
Edited book | Elites and Culture
Chapter | Medusa carissima forma (Ov. Met. 4.794)
The aim of this paper is to propose the analysis of a mirror, discovered in Chiusi at the end of 20th century. It was found in a woman’s burial, dated to the final decades of the 4th century BC, and probably it was produced in Vulci around 350 BC, as revealed by the epigraphical traits and the style. The object was lost and we know only the drawing ES V. The study of the representation, considered in its social context, allows to reconstruct the morals of female education in Etruria.
Submitted: Feb. 27, 2016 | Accepted: April 27, 2016 | Published July 6, 2019 | Language: it
Keywords Medusa • Metus • Menerva • Perseo • Pherse • Iconology • Iconography • Etruscan mirror
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