Series |
Library of Rassegna iberistica
Edited book | Critical Perspectives on Iberian Studies
Chapter | O espaço literário ibérico na última década
This chapter develops a methodological framework for the analysis of the relationships between literary systems in the Iberian Peninsula. This proposal combines sociological, systemic and spatial methodologies. Without neglecting historical processes, it studies the autonomy of systemic units, literary, cultural and identity planning, the constitution of centres and peripheries, interferences and conflicts between systems, or the definition of boundaries. It focuses on some processes and practices of the last decade, such as new institutional planning for Galician-Portuguese relationships, the changes in the Galeusca model, or the recognition of Galician poetry in the Spanish literary field.
Submitted: Sept. 25, 2018 | Accepted: Nov. 6, 2018 | Published Aug. 2, 2019 | Language: pt
Keywords Literary systems • Cultural conflict • Cultural planning • Identity building • Iberian Studies
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