El léxico disponible y sus mecanismos de asociación: un análisis con grafos
A typology of association mechanisms underlying the activation of the available lexicon of bogotanian students is presented. The lexicon available under consideration is obtained from 192 surveys, structured in 5 centers of interest (CI): i) The Human Body, ii) Clothing, iii) Food and drinks, iv) Professions and jobs, and v) City. In the analysis of the relationship between the lexical units graphs are used. Also, the type of analysis proposed consists of two broad categories: formal-linguistic and semantic-cognitive association mechanisms. In the first case, it is mechanisms that respond to strictly linguistic properties (e.g., morphological and phonetic lexical associations) and in the second, mechanisms that are part of the plane of meaning and of mental representations (e.g., synonyms, opposites, spatial associations, etc.).
Keywords: DispoGrafo • Lexical availability • Semantic networks
permalink: http://doi.org/10.14277/6969-169-0/VP-1-8