Scandinavica venetiana

     topic: literatures  
  • ISSN 2974-5098
  • e-ISSN 2785-7875
  • Language it
  • Permalink
Aims & Scope

The series publishes philological, literary and cultural studies, as well as linguistic, translanguaging and glottodidactic studies with the specific subject matter of Scandinavian and Nordic languages and cultures from the Middle Ages to the Contemporary Age. Both monographic and edited volumes are planned. Also translations from Scandinavian languages (ancient and modern) into Italian, accompanied by critical and meta-textual apparatus, and critical editions of texts from the Nordic traditions, from the Middle Ages to the Contemporary Age, are included. Scandinavica venetiana aims to offer a publishing framework of a high scientific level to Scandinavian and Nordic studies practised in Italy and throughout the world, in relation to the growing interest both in the academic sphere and in commercial publishing, and intends to open up spaces for scientific elaboration and comparison, both to scholars already established and active in university research and teaching, and to young researchers who, starting with their doctorate, intend to undertake these research paths. The methodologies of philological, linguistic and literary-critical research, albeit in the legitimate diversity of accents, perspectives and instruments adopted, should converge on an idea of North and Scandinavia not as isolated and self-sufficient entities, but rather as entities that have grown, from the origins of the written tradition and cultural production up to the present time, in close relationship with Europe and the world, through the multi-directional exchange of knowledge and experience.

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