Journal |
Journal issue | 5 | 2 | 2024
Research Article | Actual Properties of Fictional Objects
I want to address a certain problem concerning fictional objects or at least a problem that arises given a certain understanding of them. This is an understanding which takes them to be non-existent objects which have the properties ascribed to them in the fictions in which they occur in worlds that realize those fictions. Being fictions, these are not the actual world. The question, in a nut-shell, is: what properties do those objects have at the actual world? I do not expect the meaning of this question to be very clear at present. So in the first part of this paper I will give the background to make it so. I will then explain the question in more detail. Having done that, I will canvass some answers to it. The aim of the paper is not to advocate any one of these, but simply to lay them out for further consideration. I end with a few further thoughts.
Submitted: Oct. 3, 2024 | Published Dec. 11, 2024 | Language: en
Keywords (Modal) noneism • Non-existent objects • Characterization Principle • Nuclear properties • Fictional objects
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