Journal |
Quaderni Veneti
Journal issue | 8 | 2019
Research Article | L’autobiografia di Liberale Medici
This paper aims at providing a first research on the autobiography of the Venetian farmer Liberale Medici (1922-2016). The Medici’s work crossed the boundaries of private writing by winning the Premio Pieve in 1988, and, consequently, with its first publication, entitled Schola cantorum (Rome: Edizioni Live, 1989). Recently, it has been also comprehended in the anthology La vita è sogno (Milan: il Saggiatore, 2016). After highlighting the main linguistic features of this autobiography, the analysis focuses on its metaphorical devices, in order to survey its figurative language.
Submitted: Aug. 7, 2020 | Accepted: Dec. 7, 2020 | Published April 21, 2021 | Language: it
Keywords Metaphor • Autobiography • Figurative language • Writings of the semi-literate • Venetian dialect
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