Series | Antiquity Studies
Volume 5 | Edited book | History and Stories of the Greek Language

History and Stories of the Greek Language

open access
    edited by
  • Caterina Carpinato - Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Italia - email orcid profile

This volume deals with the history of the Greek language, starting from the assumption that it should be studied in a genuinely diachronic perspective, without temporal and disciplinary caesuras. In order to enhance the linguistic dimension of the continuity between ancient and contemporary Greece, the volume brings together contributions by scholars who have made the diachronic approach the distinctive feature of their work: they reflect not only on the different formative moments of the Greek language (its ‘history’), but also on the ‘histories’ that have concerned it, on the ways in which it has been interpreted and narrated in different periods of Greekness.

Permalink | ISBN (PRINT) 978-88-97735-87-8 | e-ISBN 978-88-97735-88-5 | Published Dec. 10, 2014 | Language it


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