Quaderni di Venezia Arti

Series | Quaderni di Venezia Arti
Edited book | In my End is my Beginning
Chapter | Facing Bonnard’s Le Boxeur

Facing Bonnard’s Le Boxeur


Pierre Bonnard’s Le Boxeur (1931) is usually considered as an intimist allegory of the painter’s fight against his medium. Challenging this perspective, in this article I will explore the representational strategies and scopic regimes that the painting mobilizes, as well as the connections it establishes with Bonnard’s public works, his (other) self-portraits, and some of Vuillard’s. As I will attempt to demonstrate, drawing on texts by Fried, Stoichita, Merleau-Ponty and Lacan, this painting serves a site of ‘figural incandescence’ where the schizoid and irreconcilable forces that drive the artist’s entire artistic enterprise come into the open, colliding upon the artist’s body.

Open access

Published Dec. 11, 2024 | Language: en

Keywords Self-portraitLe BoxeurEmbodied reflexivityDécorationBonnard

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