Studi e ricerche

Series | Studi e ricerche
Edited book | Libri, storie, persone e parole fra Venezia e la Grecia
Chapter | Νέοι Ἕλληνες, Neograeci

Νέοι Ἕλληνες, Neograeci

Nuove identità, nuove parole

The first attestation of the term νέοι Ἕλληνες is found in the prologue of the book Ἱστορίαι παλαιαὶ καὶ πάνυ ὠφέλιμοι τῆς περιφήμου πόλεως Ἀθήνης [...], work published in Venice in 1675 by Gheorghios Kontarìs. The aim of this paper is to present the use of the term neograecus/-i, first attested in the work Concordia Ecclesiae Occidentalis et Orientalis in septem Sacramentorum administratione published in 1619 by the Corfiot Pietro Arcudio.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Submitted: July 22, 2024 | Accepted: Aug. 12, 2024 | Published Oct. 31, 2024 | Language: it

Keywords Modern Greek IdentityGheorghios Kontarìs, Pietro ArcudioΝέοι ἝλληνεςNeograeci

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