Studi e ricerche

Series | Studi e ricerche
Edited book | Libri, storie, persone e parole fra Venezia e la Grecia
Chapter | Lirica d’amore in greco volgare e musica: dai Ποιήματα ἔμνοστα vindobonensi al Canzoniere cipriota marciano

Lirica d’amore in greco volgare e musica: dai Ποιήματα ἔμνοστα vindobonensi al Canzoniere cipriota marciano

This contribution focuses on the Ποιήματα ἔμνοστα of the cod. Vindob. Theol. gr. 244, love poems collection (first half of the fifteenth century) of probable Cretan origin, and on the Petrarchan Cypriot Canzoniere (late fifteenth-mid sixteenth century) handed down from the cod. Marc. gr. IX, 32 (= 1287). Fine testaments of love poetry in demotic Greek and coming, although almost a century apart from each other, from Crete and Cyprus, diamond tips of the Venetian Stato da Mar, the two collections seem to find common denominator both in fifteenth-sixteenth century Venice and in Italian lyric poetry for music.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Submitted: July 5, 2024 | Accepted: Aug. 12, 2024 | Published Oct. 31, 2024 | Language: it

Keywords CodItalian lyric poetry for music of fifteenth-sixtee244IX,32 (= 1287)MarcPetrarchan Cypriot CanzoniereTheolgrVindobCretan love poetry of fifteenth century

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