I libri di Ca’ Foscari

Series | I libri di Ca’ Foscari
Edited book | Dialoghi con Luigi Mariucci
Chapter | Conversando con Luigi Mariucci a proposito di flessibilità del lavoro

Conversando con Luigi Mariucci a proposito di flessibilità del lavoro


In this essay the author runs through the writings in which Luigi Mariucci focuses on the problem of work flexibility. Starting from the distinction between good flexibility that should be regulated and bad flexibility that should be countered, Mariucci critically analyses the labour law reforms of the 2000s with particular regard to the Monti-Fornero Act of 2012 and the so-called “Jobs Act” of 2015. In his latest writings, Mariucci questions the possibility that the crisis of neo-liberalism can lead to a new enhancement of job stability.

Open access

Submitted: Oct. 6, 2022 | Published Nov. 17, 2022 | Language: it

Keywords Flexibility versus job stabilityEmployment relationships

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