Series | Lexis Supplements
Edited book | Paradeigmata voluntatis
Chapter | La uoluntas sénéquienne a-t-elle sa place dans une généalogie de la volonté ?

La uoluntas sénéquienne a-t-elle sa place dans une généalogie de la volonté ?

Status quaestionis

This paper aims at claiming that Seneca’s notion of uoluntas plays a major role in the genealogy of modern will. Indeed, we should deny that Seneca adhered to the dualistic view of the soul, or rather that he embraced some kind of traditional conception of will. I defend the idea of a unique philosophical creativity in Senecan moral psychology, by which uoluntas becomes a principle of identification, without ever becoming inconsistent with Stoic monism.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Submitted: April 26, 2021 | Accepted: Nov. 23, 2021 | Published: Dec. 13, 2021 | Language: fr

Keywords Seneca Stoicism Uoluntas Stoic psychology Will

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