Series |
Library of Rassegna iberistica
Edited book | Places. What Places?
Chapter | Peleando engaños
Jesús Franco is the filmmaker who undoubtedly shot more movies than John Ford. His remains were lost, celebrating his farewell, in a public park in Malaga, which in the end is not such a bad place. In this chapter certain events, experiences, observations and some shared experiences are related by the one whom he affectionately called El Chino, or Mr. Quererber: his assistant, co-writer, second unit director and, at all times, his friend, about the most prolific film director of all time, who authored more than two hundred films using nearly seventy pseudonyms.
Submitted: April 14, 2020 | Published July 9, 2020 | Language: es
Keywords Jesús Franco • Tarantino • Necronomicon • Miss Muerte • ‘El Chino’
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