I libri di Ca’ Foscari

Series | I libri di Ca’ Foscari
Review | 150 Years of Oriental Studies at Ca’ Foscari
Chapter | Forty-Nine Years of Aramaic and Semitic Philology at Layard’s Home, Ca’ Cappello

Forty-Nine Years of Aramaic and Semitic Philology at Layard’s Home, Ca’ Cappello


Semitic Philology has been taught at Ca’ Foscari for almost fifty years in the unique setting of Ca’ Cappello, former Venetian residence of the archaeologist Austen Henry Layard. There, in a most inspiring environment for Semitists, from 1969 to present, seven specialists have taught Semitic languages and culture to generations of students. The broad scope of the subject represents the appeal of Semitic Philology to Ca’ Foscari students: to those interested in the history and languages of the Ancient Near East and to students who concentrate on modern Semitic languages and contemporary issues.

Open access

Published Oct. 21, 2018 | Language: en

Keywords AramaicSemitic PhilologyNear Estern StudiesAncient and modern Semitic languagesAusten Henry Layard

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