Series |
Sinica venetiana
Edited book | Roads to Reconciliation
Chapter | France Facing the People’s Republic of China (1949-1964): a Policy of Economic Relations Under Control
This contribution brings to light a French policy widely subjected to the Indo-Chinese interests, to the multilateral system of control of the exchanges and, more globally, to the American politics. The attitude of the French government is marked with the seal of the opportunism, and by the will to create de facto economic relations with the Chinese, in the biggest possible discretion. The Gaullist decision of January 1964 to create diplomatic relations with the PRC takes place in a phase of intensification of the economic, technical and commercial relations.
Submitted: April 3, 2017 | Accepted: Oct. 23, 2017 | Published May 3, 2018 | Language: it
Keywords International economic relations • French foreign policy • PRC • Twentieth century
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