Publish with us


We publish journals and books in digital format in several research fields, in numerous languages ​​and immediately online in full and free form.

Our content is published as a result of:

  1. a scientific evaluation process, under the responsibility of the Scientific Directions of each journal and series and through a specific peer review platform and in compliance with the ECF policy;
  2. an editorial editing, which includes:
    • full reading and verification of compliance with editorial and bibliographic standards;
    • careful control of the contents and structure of the texts;
    • an accurate typographic layout.

All our publications (from single articles or essays to entire monographs) are equipped with a set of metadata describing them and DOIs based on the best reference standards, to favour the widest indexing in the most qualified catalogues and the collection of citations.


The Scientific Direction of each journal independently presides over the editorial and scientific policy; it takes care of the call for papers, the selection of proposals, the identification of qualified reviewers and the subsequent dissemination of the contents. All our journals are published exclusively in digital format.


Our series adopt a completely identical practice to that of the journals. Monographs and edited books are published under the responsibility of a Scientific Direction, which takes care of the verification of the quality of the texts and of the evaluation processes. Our books are systematically published in digital format, and in many cases also in paper edition.

APCs of the digital edition


The costs are borne exclusively by the affiliation body of the journal.

No cost will be borne by individual authors, nor by members of the Scientific Direction, the Advisory Board or other bodies.


  • Edited books: the costs are borne by the institutions to which the editors are affiliated.
  • Affiliated Author’s Monographs: the costs are borne by the institutions to which the authors are affiliated.
  • Monographs by an unaffiliated Author (independent scholar): in special cases, linked to individual needs, we resort to the Open Access formula with APCs, that is: an independent or unaffiliated scholar at the time of publication, who does not have funds or a funding body, can directly bear the costs of publication. In any case, their work will be previously subjected to a peer review process within a series chaired by an Advisory Board. ECF does not allow any form of self-publishing.

Publication fees

Guaranteeing quality publications requires dedicated and competent staff and a complex IT infrastructure for production and online publication.

ECF charges a fee per each published article or work.

The amount indicated above includes: the management of the peer review process, the editing and type-setting of texts and non-textual contents, a round of proofs with the Authors and a second round of proofs with the Scientific Direction, online publication in PDF format with attribution of ISSN and DOI.

Types of publications

1. Standard papers in journals

The cost of producing the Open Access digital edition of a standard article is € 250 (+ VAT 4%), for journals promoted and funded by Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.
In the case of journals promoted and funded by other Italian, European or non-European universities or research organisations, the minimum cost of producing the Open Access digital edition of a standard article is € 400 (+4% VAT).

Standard features

Extension of 25 text folders (1 folder = 2,000 characters including spaces); abstract and keywords in English; the body of the main text is monolingual (Italian, English, French, Spanish, German); footnotes, out-of-text citations, bulleted and numbered lists, tables, bibliography. Beyond the standard size of 25 folders, the cost is calculated on the number of excess folders, each costing 10 € (+ VAT 4%) for journals promoted and funded by Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and 13 € (+ VAT 4%) in the case of journals promoted and funded by other Italian, European or non-European universities or research organisations.

2. Monograph or edited book

The estimate of the cost of creating the Open Access digital edition of monographic or edited volumes is determined by a multiplicity of elements and factors that must necessarily be weighed on a case-by-case basis. Among these, in addition to the characteristics of the text and its apparatuses, the times in which the publication must be carried out are also considered, taking into account both the editing process and the specific needs of the author and his research activities.
It is possible, in a completely general sense, to determine what are some standard characteristics compared to others that are not standard. This makes it essential to provide ECF with a detailed publication project, using the forms available below in the appropriate area. Based on this information, ECF will provide, in a short period of time, an estimate of the contribution required for the publication.

Standard features

Extension of 200 text folders, abstracts and keywords in English, body of the main text in Italian (monolingual), footnotes, out-of-text citations, bulleted and numbered lists, tables, bibliography.

Non-standard features

Increases on the minimum values ​​indicated above are established by the Publisher, case by case, according to four main factors:

  1. language: body of the main text in other languages ​​with a different rating for the groups: 1) English; 2) Spanish, French, German; 3) Russian, Armenian, Turkish and the like; 4) Chinese, Japanese, Korean and the like;
  2. languages: multilingual body of the text, with variations based on the aforementioned language groups;
  3. document structures: evaluation of the degree of complexity of the structure, determined by the presence of graphic-typographic elements such as, by way of mere example: glyphs or special symbols, particularly complex tables, interlinear glosses, tree diagrams, comments to the text structured on several levels, mathematical formulas, specific and recursive typographic formatting, other forms of ad hoc treatment of the content;
  4. iconographic apparatus: presence and consequent processing and layout of photographic, graphic or archive images, etc. with structured captions and references in the text, resulting from copyright treatment needs.

The cost of producing the Open Access digital edition of a standard monograph or edited book is calculated on the actual size of the text measured in folders (1 folder = 2,000 characters including spaces).
For monographs or edited books financed and/or promoted by subjects affiliated with Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, the minimum cost per folder is € 12 (+ VAT 4%).
For monographs or edited books financed and/or promoted by subjects affiliated with other Italian, European or non-European Universities or Research Institutions, the minimum cost per portfolio is € 18 (+ VAT 4%).

N.B.: the simple approval of the publication cost estimate is not a sufficient condition to consider the publication approved. The contents must first be evaluated by the Scientific Committee of one of our series and by specially appointed reviewers.
Estimate / Balance

According to these criteria, a complete and formal estimate of the total cost of a journal issue, an edited book or a monograph will be presented to the funding body. Substantial deviations between the actual quantity and complexity of the published content compared to what was originally budgeted will be the subject of the final balance, which will be presented at the end of the work to the financing body.

The publication process starts only after the approval of the estimate by the funding body.

To find out more, please contact Edizioni Ca’ Foscari’s editorial staff at

Open Access statement
ECF is an Open Access publisher, which means that all content is freely and immediately available without charge to the users and their institution. Users are authorised to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, link directly to the full text of the documents, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without seeking prior authorisation from the Publisher or the Author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.
Policy Open Access

The Open Access and copyright policies of Edizioni Ca’ Foscari are verified and accredited by Sherpa Romeo.

Sherpa Romeo (Rights Metadata for Open archiving) is an international database that aggregates and presents the Open Access policies of publishers and journals and provides a summary of the adopted copyright profile and Open Access archiving policies.

The database informs authors about the forms of pre-print or post-print archiving permitted by the Publisher in the publishing and copyright granting agreements.

Edizioni Ca’ Foscari’s profile can be consulted on this page:

Scientific certification

ECF publications are evaluated according to rigorous scientific quality criteria, in accordance with best practices shared by research communities and international open access publishers. The published articles have in fact obtained the favorable opinion of at least two expert evaluators of the subject, through a process of anonymous review (double-blind peer review) conducted under the responsibility of the Scientific Directions of series and journals.

  • date_rangeComplete scientific certification process
Times of publication

The timing of publication of an article coincides with the periodicity of publication of the journals, which can be quarterly, half-yearly or yearly. As a consequence of this, the publication of a paper that has had a positive evaluation at the end of the peer review process will usually take place in conjunction with the first scheduled issue of the journal, except for decisions taken autonomously by the Scientific Directions that may decide to postpone the publication to the issue that immediately follows.

N.B.: ECF offers one more opportunity to reduce publication times. A paper that has obtained a positive evaluation during the peer review process and has completed its editing process is published online immediately and in advance of the scheduled release date of the complete issue in which it is included. This is a method of publication in progress of the issues that allows the early publication of the individual articles. This method offers an advantage for authors who have promptly submitted the proposal and passed the peer review. The articles published in this way have the same status as those published in a complete issue and as such can be used by researchers in the context of their academic activity.


The timing of publication of a monograph and an edited books varies depending on the time in the calendar year in which the proposals are presented and in which the manuscripts are concluded after the peer review process.

Indicatively it is necessary to consider the average duration of four phases:

  1. evaluation of the proposal. From the presentation of the project to the Scientific Direction of the series up to the start of the peer review: about 8 weeks;
  2. peer review process: about 6 weeks;
  3. revision of the texts in the light of the elements that came up during the peer review phase: about 3 weeks;
  4. editing, pagination, draft rounds and online publication: about 8 weeks.

The duration of these phases may vary in relation to multiple contingent factors (extent and characteristics of the contents, course of revisions, etc.), which will be assessed on a case-by-case basis and shared with the Scientific Directions and with the authors.

ECF plans its editorial calendar on the basis of four publication windows over the calendar year and considers programmable for publication within one of the 4 windows indicated below the projects that have completed the aforementioned phase 3 – i.e. they are ready in their complete drafting:

  1. half February; first publication window possible between April and may;
  2. end of April; first publication window possible between June and first half of July;
  3. end of June; first publication window possible between September and October;
  4. end of September; first publication window possible between November and first half of December.

The projects completed in their final version after the end of September will be published between the second half of February and the end of March of the following year.


ECF carries out systematic archiving of all content published in the PHAIDRA perennial conservation archive.

ECF is the Press of Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, whose institutional archive is ARCA. Authors affiliated with Ca’ Foscari can, from the moment of publication, make the deposit of the full text in ARCA without the need for other authorisations. In parallel, ECF recommends that non-Ca’ Foscari authors make a similar deposit in the institutional archive of the universities of their affiliation.

ECF also uses the Internet Archive as an additional long-term international archive.

Crossref e DOI
Crossref makes research outputs easy to find, cite, link, and assess.

Crossref exists to make scholarly communications better.

We are member of a non-profit organisation that runs a registry of metadata and DOIs, and involves staff, board, working groups, and committees as well as a broad range of collaborators, users, and supporters in the wider scholarly communications community. Together, we are all working toward the same goal – to enhance scholarly communications. Everything is designed to put scholarly content in context so that the content members publish can be found, cited, used, and re-used.

Crossref helps increase discoverability and create persistent links between research outputs such as articles, books, references, data, components, versions, and more. Crossref members send their metadata – which include fields such as dates, titles, authors, affiliations, etc. – to Crossref, together with a DOI (Digital Object Identifier), which allows to always retrieve an object even if the website changes.

Through Crossref, members are distributing their metadata downstream, making it available to numerous systems and organisations that together help credit and cite the work, track outcomes and activity, and more.

You can find more information here:

An initiative to open up citation data

As a Crossref member, ECF participates to the i4oc initiative.
The aim of this initiative is to promote the availability of data on citations that are structured, separable, and open.
Structured means the data representing each publication and each citation instance are expressed in common, machine-readable formats, and that these data can be accessed programmatically. Separable means the citation instances can be accessed and analysed without the need to access the source bibliographic products (such as journal articles and books) in which the citations are created. Open means the data are freely accessible and reusable.

Directory of Open Access Journals

ECF systematically indexes all its journals in DOAJ.

DOAJ is an independent index that contains almost 17,500 peer-reviewed, open access journals, from all countries and in all languages, covering all areas of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, arts and humanities.

DOAJ's mission is to increase the visibility, accessibility, reputation, usage and impact of quality, peer-reviewed, open access scholarly research journals globally, regardless of discipline, geography or language. DOAJ will work with editors, publishers and journal owners to help them understand the value of best practice publishing and standards and to apply those to their own operations. DOAJ is committed to being 100% independent and maintaining its primary services and metadata as free to use or reuse for everyone.

ECF has obtained for its journals the DOAJ Seal that is awarded to journals that demonstrate best practice in open access publishing, long term preservation, use of persistent identifiers, discoverability, reuse policies and authors' rights.

Around 10% of all journals indexed in DOAJ have been awarded the Seal.

European Reference Index for the Humanities

ECF systematically indexes all its journals in ERIH PLUS.

ERIH PLUS is an index holding bibliographic information on academic journals in the Social Sciences and Humanities. The aim of the index is to increase visibility, searchability and availability of the published contents. ERIH PLUS is an online service, and it grants updated data on European journals. The main target group of the index are researchers and research within a European framework.

Scopus and other indexes

The methods of publication of ECF comply in accordance with the requirements required by Scopus. Thanks to this, our journals are systematically eligible for Scopus and currently many of them have been accepted and indexed. This line of conduct is also held by ECF with regard to specialist and sectoral indices in the various research ambitions to which the journals are nominated, in accordance with and according to the indications of the individual scientific directions.


The names and e-mail addresses found in the journal’s/series’ site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of the journal/series and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

To find out more, please contact ECF’s editorial staff at

  • date_rangeComplete Privacy Policy
Printed editions of our books

The printed editions are provided exclusively for monographs and edited books published within our series. There is absolutely no provision for the printing of journal issues.

Print on demand

At the request of authors, editors or Scientific Direction, a minimum circulation of 50 copies is made, not intended for trade but for free distribution to libraries or other similar bodies. The cost of this print run is established on a case-by-case basis and communicated in advance to the lender.

In addition to the first edition, it is also possible to request other subsequent ones in a minimum number of 30 copies.

Commercial print edition

A further printed edition can be decided by the Publisher, subject to a specific agreement with the authors / editor, and is aimed at commercial distribution through the Publisher’s e-commerce, bookstores and online bookstores, as a further useful channel for disseminating the publication.

The dissemination of these printed editions is international and is carried out using the most qualified forms of distribution specialised in national and international academic publishing.

To find out more, please contact ECF’s editorial staff at

Submit a proposal

It is possible to propose to the publishing house projects of:

  • Journals
  • Book series

Proposals will be evaluated by the ECF Editorial Board.

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  • Monographs
  • Edited books

The proposals will be addressed to the Scientific Departments based on the thematic area.

mode_edit FORM

If you intend to submit a proposal for:

  • Article in journal

by consulting our catalogue, it is possible to independently identify the relevant journal and use the appropriate form available there to address the proposal to the competent scientific management.

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