Journal | Rassegna iberistica
Journal issue | 46 | 120 | 2023

46 | 120 | 2023

open access | peer reviewed

Keywords Ramón Saizarbitoria poesía José Saramago Gerardo Diego Translating Amazonia Reality and fiction Almanac Philosophy of translation Transibericity Literary canon Sister Maria do Céu Dulce María Loynaz, Cuban literature, Cuban poetry Poesia Saavedra Fajardo Spanish postwar literature Street literature (2021), Ñamérica, Paratextos Diplomacia Literature Research Transiberism Leopardi Italia Embajador paisaje Translation representación Landscape Censorship José Bento Tradução Cultured references Literatura Review of Caparrós, M Ecotheories Cultural translation site specific contemplación Literature and nature Astrology Translation and paratext Baroque literature Relaciones internacionales Gender Elena Soriano Ecotranslation Basque novel Portuguese translation of Spanish literature Cartas Intimism Jorge Amado Representação da mulher Parody Walter Benjamin

Permalink | Published Dec. 20, 2023 | Language ca, it, en, es, pt