Journal | Rassegna iberistica
Journal issue | 37 | 101 | 2014
Research Article | Plural Voices in Piedad Bonnett’s Poetry

Plural Voices in Piedad Bonnett’s Poetry


This article examines an essential part of the poetical work of the Colombian writer Piedad Bonnett, where the concept of ‘plural voices’ is combined with the term of ‘verbal bodies’. The analysis of several poems of his work, from her titles Ese animal triste (1996), Todos los amantes son guerreros (1998) or Las tretas del débil (2004) reveals an essential voice in the field of the most recent Latin American poetics in this century, where the practice of the poetic genre drift towards a different plurality culture, in a place of intersection between the universality voice of Jorge Luis Borges and the melancholy of Alejandra Pizarnik.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Published June 9, 2014 | Language: es

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