Il Tolomeo Rivista di studi postcoloniali | A Postcolonial Studies Journal | Journal d’études postcoloniales | Revista de estudos pós-coloniais

Journal | Il Tolomeo
Journal issue | 17 | 2015
Research Article | L’empreinte à Crusoé di Patrick Chamoiseau

L’empreinte à Crusoé di Patrick Chamoiseau

L’avventura ‘interiore’ di un Robinson del XXI secolo


The article analyses the novel L’empreinte à Crusoé by the martinican writer Patrick Chamoiseau published on 2012 by Gallimard. The passage aims to relate the novel to a tradition of literary representations of the myth of Robinson Crusoe and to find out its own peculiarities. The introduction shows the different interpretations of the myth throughout the centuries and focuses on some of its most important literary representations in the 20th century including authors of the French literature (Michel Tournier, Bruno Bontempelli), belgian (Gaston Compère) and the postcolonial (John-Maxwell Coetzee). Afterwards the essay examines the novel within the author’s whole literary production and highlights themes and meanings that recur. This interesting and original work not only can be included in the tradition of the robinsonnades but also assumes a relevant worth in the author’s poetic and aesthetic evolution.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Published Dec. 31, 2015 | Language: it

Keywords Robinson Crusoe, Myth, Robinsonnades, Patrick Cham

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