EL.LE Educazione Linguistica. Language Education

Journal | EL.LE
Journal Issue | 3 | 2 | 2014
Research Article | Online Teacher Training

Online Teacher Training

Proposals to Enhance the Integration of Methods and Contents


The online training language teacher courses challenge requires knowledge and methodological competence that teacher trainers have constantly to debate in order to reach an affective result. This essay aims to point out not just the needs and the expectations of the language teachers during their training, but also those answers that Web could give. Then, the study is developed either on language teachers training, or on online and blended training cours- es; at this moment the study aims to highlight some techniques and some education tools used online that have resulted very successful thank to their metacognitive and reflective properties.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Published July 1, 2014 | Language: it

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