Series | SAIL
Volume 1 | Aimes-tu le français?

Aimes-tu le français?

Perception of the Compulsory Study of French in Middle School
open access | peer reviewed


This survey aims to highlight Italian Middle School student’s personal perceptions of the study of French. In the Italian School System, English is a compulsory subject from first year of Primary School to last year of Secondary School. This has led students to perceive English as a useful, essential language to learn – a perception also confirmed by the media – placing other languages in a secondary position. The minor role attributed to other languages often results in insufficient motivation to learn them because they are seen as less useful and less interesting.

Permalink | e-ISBN 978-88-97735-11-3 | ISBN (PRINT) 978-88-97735-18-2 | Published Nov. 1, 2012 | Language it


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