Library of Rassegna iberistica

Series | Library of Rassegna iberistica
Edited book | Constelaciones familiares en la narrativa iberoamericana moderna
Chapter | Verso l’ipermodernità

Verso l’ipermodernità

Io, famiglia e Storia nel romanzo multigenerazionale portoghese


The article aims to explore the dialogue existing between Levantado do Chão, first published in 1980 by the Nobel Prize José Saramago soon after the Carnation Revolution (1974), and Cemitério de Pianos, written in 2006 by José Luís Peixoto. While Saramago’s multi-generational novel conveys a hope for historical progress at the beginning of the democratic era in Portugal, eternity and repetition dominate in the family vicissitudes of Peixoto’s work as a symptom for the new hypermodern sensibility at the culmination of the transition to the new millennium.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Submitted: Oct. 4, 2023 | Accepted: Feb. 23, 2024 | Published June 20, 2024 | Language: it

Keywords HistoryJosé Luís PeixotoHypermodernityMulti-generational novelJosé Saramago

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