Lingue dei segni e sordità

Series | Lingue dei segni e sordità
Edited book | Segni, gesti e parole
Chapter | Le labializzazioni su focus informativi e contrastivi nella LIS

Le labializzazioni su focus informativi e contrastivi nella LIS

Una marca pragmatica in comparazione con i gesti coverbali

This study aims to explore the occurrence of mouthings on information focus and contrastive focus in Italian Sign Language, showing that mouthings may be used as a focus marking strategy. Two elicitation tasks allowed us to compare the length of mouthings on focalised and non-focalised elements in the production of two Deaf native signers. Moreover, this measure was observed depending on the focus type and the syntactic role of the focalised DP. By adopting a cross-modal theoretical approach, this work provides evidence of a similar pragmatic function performed by coverbal gestures and mouthings in spoken and sign languages, respectively.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Submitted: July 19, 2022 | Accepted: Jan. 23, 2023 | Published Dec. 7, 2023 | Language: it

Keywords Italian Sign Language (LIS)MouthingMultimodalityFocus markingCoverbal gestures

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