Eurasian Studies Balkans, Anatolia, Iran, Caucasus and Central Asia Studies Notebooks

Series | Eurasian Studies
Edited book | L’arte armena e oltre. Nuovi contributi
Chapter | Il pavone/siramarg nell’arte armena tardo-antica: un simbolo di immortalità tra mondo greco-romano e mondo iranico

Il pavone/siramarg nell’arte armena tardo-antica: un simbolo di immortalità tra mondo greco-romano e mondo iranico


Scholars commonly attributed the origin of Iranian decorative motifs in Armenian art to Sasanian Persia. However, recent studies seem to point to more complicated conclusions on the basis of archaeological and art historical investigations. Sasanian artists were very receptive towards Central Asian decorations. This study focuses on an auspicious decorative element that was very popular in the Caucasus in the pre-Islamic and early Islamic period. It concerns birds looking like peacocks that are very often embellished with a necklace and ribbons. They call to mind the mythical phoenix and can be already observed in Greco-Roman art. The study of these motifs could shed some new light on very similar elements in Sasanian art that would be otherwise very difficult to identify.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Submitted: April 6, 2022 | Accepted: Sept. 20, 2022 | Published July 28, 2023 | Language: it

Keywords PhoenixArmeniaSasaniansIberiaCaucasusPeacockCaucasian AlbaniaPersia

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