Series |
Antiquity Studies
Volume 21 | Edited book | The Soul of Things
The volume, promoted by Oderzo Cultura, collects the main results of the excavation campaigns conducted for more than twenty years, from 1986 to 2013, in the various sectors of the Opitergina necropolis, with the aim of making this rich archaeological heritage, hitherto almost completely unknown, accessible not only to the scientific community but also to a much wider public. Published to accompany the exhibition for which it is the catalogue, the volume consists of a series of essays that focus on the development, topography and rituals of the Opitergina necropolis, followed by 94 entries on as many grave goods datable between the 1st and 6th centuries AD.
Permalink | e-ISBN 978-88-6969-379-3 | ISBN (PRINT) 978-88-6969-378-6 | Published Nov. 23, 2019 | Language it
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