Eurasian Studies Balkans, Anatolia, Iran, Caucasus and Central Asia Studies Notebooks

Series | Eurasian Studies
Edited book | Monitoring Central Asia and the Caspian Area
Chapter | Riforme agrarie e mutamenti sociali nell’Uzbekistan dell’era dell’Indipendenza

Riforme agrarie e mutamenti sociali nell’Uzbekistan dell’era dell’Indipendenza


Cotton farming in Uzbekistan has been thoroughly reshaped by protracted decollectivization aimed at recovering agriculture from the post-Soviet crisis years. Based on a review of extant literature and on data collected over a socio-anthropological research in cotton-growing Khorezm region, this paper offers an overview over the Soviet-era cotton kolkhoz, post-Soviet agricultural reforms and agropolicies, and the transformations in rural society over the second post-Soviet decade. Agriculture in Uzbekistan is now resurfacing from difficult years, but old problems are perduring and prospects and burdens are more unequally distributed among stakeholders.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Submitted: Aug. 8, 2019 | Accepted: Sept. 4, 2019 | Published Dec. 16, 2019 | Language: it

Keywords CottonDecollectivizationPost-socialismAgricultureKolkhozUzbekistanRural society

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