Medieval and Modern Philologies

Series | Medieval and Modern Philologies
Review | Theologus Dantes
Chapter | Soteriologia e Passione nella Commedia

Soteriologia e Passione nella Commedia


The present study examines the shift in late medieval devotion and spirituality to the affective consideration of and participation to the sufferings of Christ on the Cross (Christus patiens). Particular attention is given to Bonaventure’s theology of the Cross and to narratives of the Passion of Christ included in writings of Franciscan friars such as Ubertino da Casale and the visual representations sponsored by the mendicants. Against this backdrop, the Author analyses Dante’s representation of the Passion’s episodes in the Comedy. On the basis of the poet’s narrative and lexical choices, the Author notes the absence of the most vivid details associated to the Christus Patiens. In the light of contemporary theological discussion on soteriology, the Author hypothesises that Dante wishes to represent the Passion as a triumph of the divine caritas that ultimately motivates the history of salvation.

Open access

Published Dec. 17, 2018 | Language: it

Keywords SoteriologySalvationCharityFranciscansPassion of ChristDevotionCrossChristus triumphansChristus patiensSuffering

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