Crimea, orienti e orientalismo nel racconto La confessione di un marito di K.N. Leont’ev
The discussion raised by the work of Edward Said Orientalism, although the author does not discuss Russian Empire in his book, has been drawing Russianists’ attention on the importance of the Orientalists thesis to their own field. Russian relationship with the Orient, however, is far different from that of western colonial empires, since it involves many different Orients, both internal – such as Crimea – and external. This complexity arises from the work of Konstantin Leont’ev (1831-1891), confirming how difficult could be the application of saidian theories to the Russian world. This article aims to discuss Leontev’s prose work A Husband Confession in order to show on the one hand the role of Crimea in shaping Leontev’s attitude toward the Orient, on the other hand the need to study Russian orientalism taking into account its specific nature.
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