Series |
Library of Rassegna iberistica
Edited book | Comic Strip or Comics
Chapter | Carlos Giménez y la historieta responsable
In the last decade, there has been a growing interest across many disciplines in the revision of the traumatic events that marked Spain’s past. During the publishing boom, the comic has shown interest around the topic of historical memory. Among the most important comics that have left evidence about bloody episodes of the Civil War and the first years of post-war we can find Paracuellos (Carlos Gimenez). An autobiographical comic that speaks about the experiences of the author in the Auxilio Social centres. In their cartoons we can see a childhood marked by the defeat, children who were stigmatized as children of the losers. This article analyses the use of the comic as an instrument of collective memory, as the transmission of the testimony to future generations and as a condemnation of Francoist Spain.
Submitted: Sept. 12, 2016 | Language: es
Keywords Auxilio Social • Carlos Giménez • Historical • Comic • Franquism
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