Socinianismo e crisi del cartesianismo in Aubert de Versé
The work of Aubert de Versé L’impie convaincu ou dissertation contre Spinoza (1684), far from being just a mere confutation of the philosophy of Spinoza, is moreover the first organic attempt to trace the genesis of his pantheism, linking it to its original root, the Cartesian philosophy. To this extent, the charge of ‘spinozism’ involves not only Descartes, but the main cartesian philosophers (Malebranche, Arnauld, Rohault, Le Grand). Nevertheless the peculiar point of view of the socinian Aubert de Versé, materialist and gassendist, enables him to translate the diagnosis of the downfall of cartesianism into a more general accusation to the whole Western rational theology, based on infinitism, spiritualism and creationism.
Keywords: Aubert de Versé • Cartesianism • Spinoza • Socinianism