Quali paradigmi per comprendere le ridefinizioni del cristianesimo in età moderna?
A series of relevant cultural phenomena appears in Europe since the early modern age: the humanistic philology and history, the new science, the discovery of different cultures and religions (with the consequent birth of a history of religions), new political systems, the active presence of Jewish scholars. The convergence of these factors produces, in a series of successive chronological steps, the birth of a new symbolic system that tends to substitute the previous vision of the world elaborated by Christianity in Late-Antique and medieval age. The article tries to understand radical reform, socinianism and libertinism not as ‘heresy’ or ‘deviation’, but as the manifestation of the impact of modernity on the ancient Christian vision of the world.
Keywords: Heresy • Modern Judaism • Early modern Christian Theology • Cultural Certainty • Symbolic systems
permalink: http://doi.org/10.14277/6969-132-4/PHIL-3-1